Colour Energy Therapies

Karuna Reiki®

Karuna Reiki® is a vibrational and energetic healing system. The word Karuna comes from the Sanskrit and translates most closely in English to mean Compassionate Action.

A Karuna Reiki® treatment encourages physical, mental and emotional healing and spiritual growth. It is effective in easing symptoms of stress, anxiety, pain and illness and works on both a conscious and subconscious level, helping to stimulate the body's natural healing process.

Karuna Reiki® works deeply and can assist in deep personal healing and transformation. It has its own distinctive energetic vibration which distinguishes it from Usui Reiki, although they are both part of the Reiki family. If you have experienced Usui Reiki this is a natural progression.

After an initial consultation, the Client will be asked to lie fully clothed on the treatment table (seated treatments can also be given if this is not possible). The practitioner will then start channelling the Karuna Reiki® energy and healing symbols. This will be done by laying their hands in various positions from the head down to the feet. The Karuna Reiki® energy will flow automatically to the areas of the body that require it.

Karuna Reiki® can also be combined with Colour Healing or done as a Distance Healing.


Karuna Reiki® Courses are available at both Practitioner and Master Level. A prerequisite is that you must already be an experienced Usui Reiki Master/Teacher.

Please see under Courses for information.